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Orden de lectura de Marvel Now y All New Marvel Now


Crédito:  Negativo del blog de Arsenio Lupín.
    1. Thanos Rising 01-05
    2. Savage Wolverine 06-08
    3. Marvel Point One 1
    4. Deadpool Vol.3 01-06
    5. Wolverine and the X Men 19-23
    6. X Men Legacy Vol.2 01-06
    7. Uncanny Avengers 01-04
    8. Hawkeye Vol.4 01-07
    9. A+X 01-04
    10. Avengers Vol.5 01-03
    11. New Avengers Vol.3 01-03
    12. Amazing Spiderman Vol.1 698-700
    13. Avenging Spiderman 15.1
    14. Superior Spiderman 01-05
    15. Avengers Vol.5 04
    16. New Avengers Vol.3 04
    17. Avengers Vol.5 05
    18. New Avengers Vol.3 05-06
    19. Avengers Vol.5 06-09
    20. Indestructible Hulk 01-05
    21. Avengers Endless Wartime
    22. Iron man Vol.5 01-05
    23. Red She Hulk 58-67
    24. All New X Men 01-08
    25. Cable and X Force 01-05
    26. Scarlet Spider Vol.2 13-16
    27. A+X 05-08
    28. Dark Avengers 184-190
    29. Avengers Arena 01-12
    30. Avengers Assemble Annual 1
    31. Guardians of the galaxy Infinite Comic 01-04
    32. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 0.1 y 01-04
    33. Iron Man Vol.5 06-08
    34. Avengers Vol.5 10-13
    35. New Avengers Vol.3 07
    36. Avengers Assemble 09-13
    37. Thunderbolts Vol.2 01-11
    38. Thor God of Thunder 01-11
    39. Journey into Mistery 646-655
    40. Joung Avengers Vol.2 01-15
    41. Fantastic Four Vol.4 01, FF Vol.2 01
    42. Fantastic Four Vol.4 02, FF Vol.2 02
    43. Fantastic Four Vol.4 03, FF Vol.2 03-04
    44. Avenging Spiderman 17
    45. Fantastic Four Vol.4 04-05, FF Vol.2 05
    46. Hawkeye Vol.4 08-12, Annual 1, 13
    47. Uncanny X Force Vol.2 01-06
    48. Morbius Vol.2 01-09
    49. Savage Wolverine 01-05
    50. X Factor 250-256
    51. Daredevil Vol.3 23-27
    52. Uncanny X Men Vol.3 01-03, All New X Men 09
    53. Uncanny X Men Vol.3 04, All New X Men 10-12
    54. Uncanny X Men Vol.3 05-09
    55. Uncanny Avengers 05
    56. All New X Men 13-14
    57. Alpha Big Time  01-05
    58. Winter Soldier 15-19
    59. Gambit Vol.5 09-17
    60. Venom 31-35
    61. Cable and X Force 06-09
    62. Avenging Spiderman 18, Superior Spiderman 06
    63. Fearless Defenders 01-04
    64. Nova Vol.5 01-05
    65. Secret Avengers Vol.2 01-05
    66. X Men Legacy Vol.2 07-12
    67. Indestructible Hulk 06-08
    68. Deadpool Vol.3 07-12
    69. Wolverine and the X Men 24-28
    70. Wolverine Vol.4 01-04
    71. Captain Marvel Vol.7 09-12
    72. Uncanny Avengers 06
    73. Age of Ultron 01-02
    74. Fantastic Four Vol.4 05 AU
    75. Superior Spiderman 06 AU
    76. Age of Ultron 03-04
    77. Ultron 01 AU
    78. Avengers Assemble 14 AU
    79. Age of Ultron 05-06
    80. Wolverine and the X Men 27 AU
    81. Age of Ultron 07
    82. Avengers Assemble 15 AU
    83. Age of Ultron 08
    84. Uncanny Avengers 8 AU, Fearless Defenders 04 AU
    85. Age of Ultron 09-10
    86. Fantastic Four Vol.4 06-08, FF Vol.2 06-08
    87. Uncanny Avengers 07-09
    88. X Men Vol.3 01-03
    89. Avenging Spiderman 19
    90. Superior Spiderman 07-10
    91. Avenging Spiderman 20-21
    92. Scarlet Spiderman 17-19
    93. Wolverine and the X Men 29-30
    94. Fearless Defenders 05-09
    95. Age of Ultron 10 AI
    96. Avengers AI 01-06
    97. Indestructible Hulk 09-10
    98. Daredevil Vol.3 28-29
    99. Fantastic Four Vol.4 09-13, FF Vol.2 09-13
    100. Superior Spiderman 11-13
    101. Avenging Spiderman 22
    102. Uncanny X Force Vol.2 07-12
    103. A+X 09-12
    104. Venom 36-42
    105. X Factor 257-262
    106. Wolverine and the X Men 31-35
    107. Secret Avengers Vol.2 06-09
    108. Cable and X Force 10-14
    109. Superior Spiderman 14, Superior Spiderman Team Up 01
    110. Superior Spiderman 15-16, Superior Spiderman Team Up 02
    111. Scarlet Spider Vol.2 20
    112. Superior Carnage 01-05
    113. Superior Foes of Spiderman 01-06
    114. Superior Spiderman 17-19
    115. Daredevil Vol.3 30-33
    116. Indestructible Hulk 11-15
    117. Uncanny Avengers 10-17
    118. Thunderbolts Vol.2 12-13
    119. Deadpool. Vol.3 13-19, Annual 1
    120. X Men Legacy Vol.2 13-18
    121. Nova Vol.5 06-07
    122. Avengers Arena 13-18
    123. Scarlet Spider 21-25
    124. Wolverine Vol.4 05-07
    125. All New X Men 15, Special 1
    126. Indestructible Hulk Special 1
    127. Superior Spiderman Special 1
    128. X Men Vol.3 04, Uncanny X Men Vol.3 10-11
    129. X Men Battle of the Atom 01
    130. All New X Men 16, X Men Vol.3 05
    131. Uncanny X Men Vol.3 12, Wolverine and the X Men 36
    132. All New X Men 17, X Men Vol.3 06
    133. Uncanny X Men Vol.3 13, Wolverine and the X Men 37
    134. X Men Battle of the Atom 02
    135. Fantastic Four Vol.4 14-15, FF Vol.2 14-15
    136. Fantastic Four Vol.4 16, FF Vol.2 16
    137. Thor God of Thunder 12-18
    138. Avengers Vol.5 14-17
    139. New Avengers Vol.3 08
    140. Avengers the Enemy within 01
    141. Avengers Assemble 16, Captain Marvel Vol.7 13
    142. Avengers Assemble 17, Captain Marvel Vol.7 14
    143. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 05-07
    144. Iron Man Vol.5 09-17
    145. Infinity 01
    146. Infinity against the Tide 01-02
    147. Nova Vol.5 08
    148. Thunderbolts Vol.2 14
    149. Nova Vol.5 09
    150. Avengers Vol.5 18
    151. Avengers Assemble 18
    152. Captain Marvel Vol.7 15
    153. Infinity the Hunt 01
    154. Thunderbolts Vol.2 15
    155. Mighty Avengers 01
    156. Infinity the Hunt 02
    157. Mighty Avengers 02
    158. New Avengers Vol.3 09
    159. Mighty Avengers 03
    160. Infinity the Hunt 03-04
    161. Infinity 02
    162. Avengers Vol.5 19
    163. Thunderbolts Vol.2 16
    164. New Avengers Vol.3 10
    165. Infinity 03
    166. Captain Marvel Vol.7 16
    167. Avengers Assemble 19
    168. Infinity Heist 01
    169. Thunderbolts Vol.2 17
    170. Avengers Vol.5 20
    171. Thunderbolts Vol.2 18
    172. Infinity 04
    173. Avengers Vol.5 21
    174. New Avengers Vol.3 11
    175. Infinity Heist 02
    176. Superior Spiderman Team Up 03
    177. Fearless Defenders 10
    178. Superior Spiderman Team Up 04
    179. Infinity Heist 03
    180. Avengers Assemble 20
    181. Infinity Heist 03
    182. Secret Avengers Vol.2 10-11
    183. Infinity 05
    184. Avengers Vol.5 22
    185. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 08
    186. Avengers Vol.5 23
    187. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 09
    188. Infinity 06
    189. New Avengers Vol.3 12
    190. Wolverine and the X Men annual 01
    191. Trial of teh Punisher 01-02
    192. Longshto saves the Marvel Universe 01-05
    193. Superior Spiderman Team Up 05-07
    194. Superior Spiderman 20-21
    195. Superior Spiderman Annual 1
    196. Superior Spiderman Team Up 08
    197. Captain Marvel Vol.7 17
    198. Uncanny X Force Vol.2 13-15
    199. Cable and the X Force 15-18
    200. Uncanny X Force Vol.2 16
    201. Cable and the X Force 19, Uncanny X Force Vol.2 17
    202. X Men Legacy Vol.2 19-24, 300
    203. A+X 13-18
    204. Avengers Assemble 21
    205. Fearless Defenders 11-12
    206. Uncanny X Men Vol.3 14
    207. All New X Men 18
    208. Wolverine and the X Men 38-40
    209. Amazing X Men 01-06
    210. Wolverine Vol.4 08-13
    211. All New X Men 19-21
    212. Nova Vol.5 10
    213. Superior Spiderman 22-25
    214. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 10
    215. Thor the God of Thunder 18
    216. Deadpool Vol.3 20-24
    217. Daredevil Vol.3 34-36
    218. Indestructible Hulk Annual 1
    219. Iron Man Annual 1
    220. Nova Vol.5 11-12
    221. Hawkeye Vol.4 14-21
    222. Secret Avengers Vol.2 12-16
    223. Superior Foes of Spiderman 07-15
    224. Thunderbolts Annual 1, Thunderbolts Vol.2 19
    225. Inhumanity 01
    226. Iron Man Vol.5 18-20, 20 IH, 21-22
    227. Indestructible Hulk 16-19
    228. Mighty Avengers 04-05
    229. Avengers AI 07
    230. New Avengers Vol.3 13
    231. Uncanny X Men Vol.3 15
    232. Inhumanity the Awakening 01-02
    233. Inhumanity Superior Spiderman 01
    234. Avengers Assemble 22-25
    235. Miss Marvel Vol.3 01-04
    236. Uncanny X Men Vol.3 16-18
    237. Wolverine and the X Men 41-42
    238. Superior Spiderman 26, Superior Spiderman Team Up 09-10
    239. Savage Wolverine 09-13
    240. X Men Vol.3 07-12
    241. Mighty Avengers 06-09
    242. Revolutionary War Alpha 01
    243. Revolutionary War Dark Angel 01
    244. Revolutionary War Knights of Pendragon 01
    245. Revolutionary War Death`s Head 01
    246. Revolutionary War Supersoldiers 01
    247. Revolutionary War Motormouth 01
    248. Revolutionary War Warheads 01
    249. Revolutionary War Omega 01
    250. Avengers Annual 1
    251. Silver Surfer Vol.2 01-03
    252. Avengers Vol.5 24
    253. All-New Marvel NOW! Poit One 01
    254. Avengers World 01-08
    255. New Avengers Vol.3 14-16
    256. Avengers Vol.5 25-28
    257. New Avengers Vol.3 17-19, Annual 1, 20
    258. All-New Invaders 01-05
    259. Indestructible Hulk 20
    260. Avengers AI 08-12
    261. Black Widow Vol.6 01-06
    262. Thunderbolts Vol.2 20-26
    263. All-New X Factor 01-08
    264. All-New X Men 22
    265. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 11
    266. All-New X Men 23
    267. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 12
    268. All-New X Men 24
    269. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 13
    270. Savage Wolverine 14-19
    271. Wolverine Vol.5 01-05
    272. Fantastic Four Vol.5 01-05
    273. Punisher Vol.10 01-06
    274. She Hulk Vol.3 01-05
    275. Winter Soldier Bitter March 01-05
    276. Captain America Vol.7 16-21
    277. New Warriors Vol.5 01-04
    278. Nova Vol.5 13-17
    279. Loki Agent of Asgard 01-05
    280. Thor God of Thunder 19-23
    281. X Force Vol.4 01-06
    282. Superior Carnage Annual 1
    283. Iron Man Vol.5 Annual 1
    284. Daredevil Vol.4 01, 1.5 , 02-03
    285. Moonknight Vol.5 01-03
    286. Deadpool Vol.3 25-27
    287. Deadpool vs Carnage 01-04
    288. Deadpool Annual 2
    289. Deadpool Vol.3 28
    290. All-New Ghost Rider 01-04
    291. Magneto 01-05
    292. Wolverine and the X Men Vol.2 01-04
    293. Uncanny X Men Vol.3 19-21
    294. Iron Man Vol.5 23-28
    295. Iron Patriot 01-05
    296. Guardians of the Galaxy Free Comicbook Day 0
    297. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 14
    298. Captain Marvel Vol.7 01-03
    299. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 15
    300. Secret Avengers Vol.3 01-04
    301. Uncanny Avengers 18-19, Annual 1, 20-21
    302. Avengers Undercover 01-06
    303. Superior Spiderman 27-29, Annual 2
    304. Superior Spiderman Team-Up 11-12
    305. Superior Spiderman 30-31
    306. Indestructible Hulk 21-25
    307. Amazing Spiderman Vol.2 01-04
    308. Nightcrawler 01-04
    309. Cyclops Vol.3 01-04
    310. Elektra Vol.3 01-04
    311. *Original Sin*
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