Orden de lectura de Marvel Now y All New Marvel Now
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julio 21, 2014
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Crédito: Negativo del blog de Arsenio Lupín.
- Thanos Rising 01-05
- Savage Wolverine 06-08
- Marvel Point One 1
- Deadpool Vol.3 01-06
- Wolverine and the X Men 19-23
- X Men Legacy Vol.2 01-06
- Uncanny Avengers 01-04
- Hawkeye Vol.4 01-07
- A+X 01-04
- Avengers Vol.5 01-03
- New Avengers Vol.3 01-03
- Amazing Spiderman Vol.1 698-700
- Avenging Spiderman 15.1
- Superior Spiderman 01-05
- Avengers Vol.5 04
- New Avengers Vol.3 04
- Avengers Vol.5 05
- New Avengers Vol.3 05-06
- Avengers Vol.5 06-09
- Indestructible Hulk 01-05
- Avengers Endless Wartime
- Iron man Vol.5 01-05
- Red She Hulk 58-67
- All New X Men 01-08
- Cable and X Force 01-05
- Scarlet Spider Vol.2 13-16
- A+X 05-08
- Dark Avengers 184-190
- Avengers Arena 01-12
- Avengers Assemble Annual 1
- Guardians of the galaxy Infinite Comic 01-04
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 0.1 y 01-04
- Iron Man Vol.5 06-08
- Avengers Vol.5 10-13
- New Avengers Vol.3 07
- Avengers Assemble 09-13
- Thunderbolts Vol.2 01-11
- Thor God of Thunder 01-11
- Journey into Mistery 646-655
- Joung Avengers Vol.2 01-15
- Fantastic Four Vol.4 01, FF Vol.2 01
- Fantastic Four Vol.4 02, FF Vol.2 02
- Fantastic Four Vol.4 03, FF Vol.2 03-04
- Avenging Spiderman 17
- Fantastic Four Vol.4 04-05, FF Vol.2 05
- Hawkeye Vol.4 08-12, Annual 1, 13
- Uncanny X Force Vol.2 01-06
- Morbius Vol.2 01-09
- Savage Wolverine 01-05
- X Factor 250-256
- Daredevil Vol.3 23-27
- Uncanny X Men Vol.3 01-03, All New X Men 09
- Uncanny X Men Vol.3 04, All New X Men 10-12
- Uncanny X Men Vol.3 05-09
- Uncanny Avengers 05
- All New X Men 13-14
- Alpha Big Time 01-05
- Winter Soldier 15-19
- Gambit Vol.5 09-17
- Venom 31-35
- Cable and X Force 06-09
- Avenging Spiderman 18, Superior Spiderman 06
- Fearless Defenders 01-04
- Nova Vol.5 01-05
- Secret Avengers Vol.2 01-05
- X Men Legacy Vol.2 07-12
- Indestructible Hulk 06-08
- Deadpool Vol.3 07-12
- Wolverine and the X Men 24-28
- Wolverine Vol.4 01-04
- Captain Marvel Vol.7 09-12
- Uncanny Avengers 06
- Age of Ultron 01-02
- Fantastic Four Vol.4 05 AU
- Superior Spiderman 06 AU
- Age of Ultron 03-04
- Ultron 01 AU
- Avengers Assemble 14 AU
- Age of Ultron 05-06
- Wolverine and the X Men 27 AU
- Age of Ultron 07
- Avengers Assemble 15 AU
- Age of Ultron 08
- Uncanny Avengers 8 AU, Fearless Defenders 04 AU
- Age of Ultron 09-10
- Fantastic Four Vol.4 06-08, FF Vol.2 06-08
- Uncanny Avengers 07-09
- X Men Vol.3 01-03
- Avenging Spiderman 19
- Superior Spiderman 07-10
- Avenging Spiderman 20-21
- Scarlet Spiderman 17-19
- Wolverine and the X Men 29-30
- Fearless Defenders 05-09
- Age of Ultron 10 AI
- Avengers AI 01-06
- Indestructible Hulk 09-10
- Daredevil Vol.3 28-29
- Fantastic Four Vol.4 09-13, FF Vol.2 09-13
- Superior Spiderman 11-13
- Avenging Spiderman 22
- Uncanny X Force Vol.2 07-12
- A+X 09-12
- Venom 36-42
- X Factor 257-262
- Wolverine and the X Men 31-35
- Secret Avengers Vol.2 06-09
- Cable and X Force 10-14
- Superior Spiderman 14, Superior Spiderman Team Up 01
- Superior Spiderman 15-16, Superior Spiderman Team Up 02
- Scarlet Spider Vol.2 20
- Superior Carnage 01-05
- Superior Foes of Spiderman 01-06
- Superior Spiderman 17-19
- Daredevil Vol.3 30-33
- Indestructible Hulk 11-15
- Uncanny Avengers 10-17
- Thunderbolts Vol.2 12-13
- Deadpool. Vol.3 13-19, Annual 1
- X Men Legacy Vol.2 13-18
- Nova Vol.5 06-07
- Avengers Arena 13-18
- Scarlet Spider 21-25
- Wolverine Vol.4 05-07
- All New X Men 15, Special 1
- Indestructible Hulk Special 1
- Superior Spiderman Special 1
- X Men Vol.3 04, Uncanny X Men Vol.3 10-11
- X Men Battle of the Atom 01
- All New X Men 16, X Men Vol.3 05
- Uncanny X Men Vol.3 12, Wolverine and the X Men 36
- All New X Men 17, X Men Vol.3 06
- Uncanny X Men Vol.3 13, Wolverine and the X Men 37
- X Men Battle of the Atom 02
- Fantastic Four Vol.4 14-15, FF Vol.2 14-15
- Fantastic Four Vol.4 16, FF Vol.2 16
- Thor God of Thunder 12-18
- Avengers Vol.5 14-17
- New Avengers Vol.3 08
- Avengers the Enemy within 01
- Avengers Assemble 16, Captain Marvel Vol.7 13
- Avengers Assemble 17, Captain Marvel Vol.7 14
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 05-07
- Iron Man Vol.5 09-17
- Infinity 01
- Infinity against the Tide 01-02
- Nova Vol.5 08
- Thunderbolts Vol.2 14
- Nova Vol.5 09
- Avengers Vol.5 18
- Avengers Assemble 18
- Captain Marvel Vol.7 15
- Infinity the Hunt 01
- Thunderbolts Vol.2 15
- Mighty Avengers 01
- Infinity the Hunt 02
- Mighty Avengers 02
- New Avengers Vol.3 09
- Mighty Avengers 03
- Infinity the Hunt 03-04
- Infinity 02
- Avengers Vol.5 19
- Thunderbolts Vol.2 16
- New Avengers Vol.3 10
- Infinity 03
- Captain Marvel Vol.7 16
- Avengers Assemble 19
- Infinity Heist 01
- Thunderbolts Vol.2 17
- Avengers Vol.5 20
- Thunderbolts Vol.2 18
- Infinity 04
- Avengers Vol.5 21
- New Avengers Vol.3 11
- Infinity Heist 02
- Superior Spiderman Team Up 03
- Fearless Defenders 10
- Superior Spiderman Team Up 04
- Infinity Heist 03
- Avengers Assemble 20
- Infinity Heist 03
- Secret Avengers Vol.2 10-11
- Infinity 05
- Avengers Vol.5 22
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 08
- Avengers Vol.5 23
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 09
- Infinity 06
- New Avengers Vol.3 12
- Wolverine and the X Men annual 01
- Trial of teh Punisher 01-02
- Longshto saves the Marvel Universe 01-05
- Superior Spiderman Team Up 05-07
- Superior Spiderman 20-21
- Superior Spiderman Annual 1
- Superior Spiderman Team Up 08
- Captain Marvel Vol.7 17
- Uncanny X Force Vol.2 13-15
- Cable and the X Force 15-18
- Uncanny X Force Vol.2 16
- Cable and the X Force 19, Uncanny X Force Vol.2 17
- X Men Legacy Vol.2 19-24, 300
- A+X 13-18
- Avengers Assemble 21
- Fearless Defenders 11-12
- Uncanny X Men Vol.3 14
- All New X Men 18
- Wolverine and the X Men 38-40
- Amazing X Men 01-06
- Wolverine Vol.4 08-13
- All New X Men 19-21
- Nova Vol.5 10
- Superior Spiderman 22-25
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 10
- Thor the God of Thunder 18
- Deadpool Vol.3 20-24
- Daredevil Vol.3 34-36
- Indestructible Hulk Annual 1
- Iron Man Annual 1
- Nova Vol.5 11-12
- Hawkeye Vol.4 14-21
- Secret Avengers Vol.2 12-16
- Superior Foes of Spiderman 07-15
- Thunderbolts Annual 1, Thunderbolts Vol.2 19
- Inhumanity 01
- Iron Man Vol.5 18-20, 20 IH, 21-22
- Indestructible Hulk 16-19
- Mighty Avengers 04-05
- Avengers AI 07
- New Avengers Vol.3 13
- Uncanny X Men Vol.3 15
- Inhumanity the Awakening 01-02
- Inhumanity Superior Spiderman 01
- Avengers Assemble 22-25
- Miss Marvel Vol.3 01-04
- Uncanny X Men Vol.3 16-18
- Wolverine and the X Men 41-42
- Superior Spiderman 26, Superior Spiderman Team Up 09-10
- Savage Wolverine 09-13
- X Men Vol.3 07-12
- Mighty Avengers 06-09
- Revolutionary War Alpha 01
- Revolutionary War Dark Angel 01
- Revolutionary War Knights of Pendragon 01
- Revolutionary War Death`s Head 01
- Revolutionary War Supersoldiers 01
- Revolutionary War Motormouth 01
- Revolutionary War Warheads 01
- Revolutionary War Omega 01
- Avengers Annual 1
- Silver Surfer Vol.2 01-03
- Avengers Vol.5 24
- All-New Marvel NOW! Poit One 01
- Avengers World 01-08
- New Avengers Vol.3 14-16
- Avengers Vol.5 25-28
- New Avengers Vol.3 17-19, Annual 1, 20
- All-New Invaders 01-05
- Indestructible Hulk 20
- Avengers AI 08-12
- Black Widow Vol.6 01-06
- Thunderbolts Vol.2 20-26
- All-New X Factor 01-08
- All-New X Men 22
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 11
- All-New X Men 23
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 12
- All-New X Men 24
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 13
- Savage Wolverine 14-19
- Wolverine Vol.5 01-05
- Fantastic Four Vol.5 01-05
- Punisher Vol.10 01-06
- She Hulk Vol.3 01-05
- Winter Soldier Bitter March 01-05
- Captain America Vol.7 16-21
- New Warriors Vol.5 01-04
- Nova Vol.5 13-17
- Loki Agent of Asgard 01-05
- Thor God of Thunder 19-23
- X Force Vol.4 01-06
- Superior Carnage Annual 1
- Iron Man Vol.5 Annual 1
- Daredevil Vol.4 01, 1.5 , 02-03
- Moonknight Vol.5 01-03
- Deadpool Vol.3 25-27
- Deadpool vs Carnage 01-04
- Deadpool Annual 2
- Deadpool Vol.3 28
- All-New Ghost Rider 01-04
- Magneto 01-05
- Wolverine and the X Men Vol.2 01-04
- Uncanny X Men Vol.3 19-21
- Iron Man Vol.5 23-28
- Iron Patriot 01-05
- Guardians of the Galaxy Free Comicbook Day 0
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 14
- Captain Marvel Vol.7 01-03
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 15
- Secret Avengers Vol.3 01-04
- Uncanny Avengers 18-19, Annual 1, 20-21
- Avengers Undercover 01-06
- Superior Spiderman 27-29, Annual 2
- Superior Spiderman Team-Up 11-12
- Superior Spiderman 30-31
- Indestructible Hulk 21-25
- Amazing Spiderman Vol.2 01-04
- Nightcrawler 01-04
- Cyclops Vol.3 01-04
- Elektra Vol.3 01-04
- *Original Sin*
All New Marvel Now
Marvel Now
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